Incident tracking and root cause analysis: a streamlined approach

Effective incident tracking and root cause analysis (RCA) are critical components of a security compliance program. However, the process can quickly become overwhelming if every minor issue is logged and tracked in detail. The ‘just enough’ approach ensures incidents are managed efficiently, focusing on materiality and simplicity while allowing for expansion as needed. Here’s how to implement this approach effectively.

Defining an incident: focus on materiality
The first step in incident tracking is to clearly define what constitutes an incident. Not every minor issue or anomaly needs to be logged; instead, focus on those that have a material impact on your operations or security posture. This could include:

  • Security breaches: unauthorized access to systems or data
  • System outages: significant disruptions to key systems or services
  • Data loss: loss or corruption of sensitive or critical data
  • Compliance violations: events that could potentially breach regulatory requirements or contracts

By focusing on material incidents, you avoid overloading your incident tracking system with minor issues, ensuring the team can focus on what truly matters.

Incident tracking: simple but effective
Once you’ve defined what constitutes an incident, the next step is to establish a system for tracking these incidents from detection through to resolution. The key is to keep the system simple, with a few essential fields that capture the necessary information without becoming overly complex.

  • Incident log:
    • Incident ID: a unique identifier for each incident
    • Date and time: When the incident was detected
    • Description: a brief summary of what happened
    • Impact: a high-level assessment of the impact, such as systems affected
    • Status: whether the incident is open, under investigation, or resolved
  • Tracking through to resolution:
    • Assigned owner: the person responsible for managing the incident
    • Action taken: a summary of the steps taken to resolve the issue
    • Resolution date: when the incident was resolved

This basic framework ensures all critical information is captured without overloading the system with unnecessary details. It’s important the log remains easy to use and scalable, so it can be expanded with additional fields or more detailed entries as your needs evolve.

Root cause analysis: identifying and addressing the source
Root cause analysis (RCA) is to identify the underlying causes of incidents and prevent them from recurring. However, RCA doesn’t need to be overly detailed for every incident—focus on capturing high-level insights that drive meaningful improvements.

  1. High-level RCA details:
    • Root cause: a concise statement of the primary cause of the incident. This should focus on the main factor that led to the issue, whether it was a system failure, human error or a security vulnerability.
    • Contributing factors: briefly note any additional factors that contributed to the incident, providing context for the root cause.
    • Lessons learned: identify what was learned from the incident and how similar issues can be prevented in the future.
  2. Tracking RCA in the incident log:
    • RCA summary: include a field in your incident log or ticketing system for a high-level RCA summary. This ensures every incident has some level of RCA documented, making it easy to review and learn from past incidents.
    • Follow-up actions: document any follow-up actions required based on the RCA. This might include changes to processes, additional training or system updates.

Implementing 'just enough'
Demonstrating an incident management process for Type 1 engagements can be as simple as having a system to log the incidents, if and when they occur. If you use software - like Atlassian JIRA or Click-up - this can be easily configured or using a pre-built template for this purpose. To satisfy baseline compliance you should track the fields mentioned above, including root-cause analysis. In general, and particularly for Type 2, the incident process can focus solely on critical or high-impact incidents. This is better to ensure effective management of those, without being lost in the noise of every little disruption that may occur. 

➡️ Doing less tip #1: material based logging
Focus on logging incidents that have a material impact on your business, avoiding the temptation to over-log minor issues. This keeps your incident management system focused on effectively prioritizing the issues that really matter.

➡️ Doing less tip #2: simple and scalable logging system
Start with a basic incident log that captures the essential information. As your needs evolve, you can expand the system with additional fields or more detailed tracking, but the foundation should remain simple and easy to use so that it is actually used by your team managing the process.

➡️ Doing less tip #3: high-level RCS with targeted detail
Root cause analysis should be concise but insightful. Focus on identifying the primary cause of the incident and any key contributing factors, and ensure follow-up actions are clearly documented and tracked.

➡️ Doing less tip #4: regular review and improvement
Periodically review your incident log and RCA summaries to identify trends or recurring issues. Use this information to make continuous improvements to your systems and processes, ensuring your incident management approach remains effective and efficient.

Better practices
Incident management is an area that is really important to scale and mature with the needs and stage of your company and customers. As you grow, commitments to enterprise increase and the scale and complexity of issues ramp up, you should consider:

  • Implementing a purpose-built incident management system like PagerDuty or OpsGenie to leverage many of the in-built better practices for managing incidents effectively at scale.
  • Configuring automated logging and alerting systems that are configured to cover the range of incident causes, across all critical systems, and using configured baselines to identify anomalies effectively.
  • Implement on-call rotas, response playbooks, clear responsibilities and emergency management teams, for incident responders to manage all incidents effectively.
  • Test the incident response capability regularly to ensure the awareness, culture, and processes for response are effective and mature, in alignment with customer and other stakeholder expectations for your stage of company.
In a nutshell
Effective incident tracking and root cause analysis are vital for maintaining the security and integrity of your operations. By focusing on materiality, keeping your incident log simple, and capturing high-level RCA details, you can manage incidents efficiently without creating unnecessary complexity. This approach not only ensures compliance and security but also supports continuous improvement in your incident management practices.